Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I attend therapy on a weekly basis and this week (similar to last week) I went in and was overwhelmed with tears. After explaining to my therapist that it was another bad weekend, that essentially, extended into my Monday, she seemed to understand that my emotional cup runneth over. I had explained to her that I told my mother that I had  no more fight left in me. This is true. I'm tired. I feel defeated. I feel lonely. Although I hear the faint voices of a few friends who seem to be embracing me from afar, I still feel like I've walked into solitary confinement and been left to die with my own thoughts. 

The conversation turned to my lack of friendships and a social life. As we began this conversation, I talked about one friend in particular who had been reaching out and the excuses I had for not getting together. I had promised to go to an event with her approximately two months after my surgery. I had an abdominal myomectomy for fibroids and I had endometriosis as well. In any case, my first menstrual cycle after my surgery caused me to have to stay home from work. My second cycle fell on the weekend of the event. Where I erred, was not telling my friend until the last minute. I knew I was wrong and I felt bad about it. My friend was actually reaching out to hang out on a separate night from the event, and I hit her with the fact I wasn't  going to attend this event with her. I could literally hear the heartbreak in her response to me, even though we were texting. Although that was an excuse, it was also a valid reason. It wasn't until my March menstrual cycle that things began to normalize for me. In any case, the other excuse I gave my friend is that I just wasn't feeling like going out because I had gained weight and I didn't have any clothing that fit anymore. This is an excuse has kept me at home more nights than I can keep track of. The truth is that it isn't COMPLETELY about clothing or weight gain. Some of it is about confidence. I'm not on the top of anyone's list of people to spend time with these days. I  know that's because I turn people down a lot. In my depressed state I don't see myself as good company. I don't see myself having a good time when going out. I just see myself as existing instead of living. Existing isn't enough. 

Here are the symptoms of depression: 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of depression may include the following:
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
  • Fatigue and decreased energy
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
  • Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
  • Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
  • Irritability, restlessness
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
  • Overeating or appetite loss
  • Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
  • Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
  • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

I experience almost all of these on a daily basis. Lately, I've found myself crying more than usual and more hopeless than usual. I can have everyone in the world tell me they care, but I often don't feel it. I appreciate those people who reach out and let me know. It does make me feel better for the moment, but my depression is stronger. That last symptom has has been gnawing at my brain for the last two weeks. Like a cancerous tumor, it's been eating away at me. My feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, pessimism, sad, anxious, and empty feelings are so strong lately that they've got me convinced that dying would be better than living unhappy. I've imagined myself lying lifeless in my home and because I don't have many local friends who stop by or who text me on the weekends, I'd go unnoticed until I failed to show up for work on Monday morning. 

It's true I make excuses. I rely on those excuses because I don't want people to see me when I'm in such a miserable and unhappy state. I've been trying numerous things to change my circumstances. Thankfully my therapist recognizes that. I've had a so many people in my life who cannot understand how this illness affects me. It's too much for most people to handle. I've gotten into arguments with people I've trusted and relied on as forever friends. But no friend is forever I suppose. I don't doubt that people won't ever disappoint you, but I've had few people truly stand by me in my darkest hour which is why I feel so alone now. 

My therapist kind of made me feel bad about making the excuses I make. I don't like being alone, but I don't trust anyone, so excuses are a sort of a shield, I guess. Maybe that's just another excuse. I don't know. I suppose I'll never stop making excuses as long as I'm feeling depressed. 


Unknown said...

Hang in their friend. I feel for you. I wrote you this morning. Just checking in. I'm so sorry for your pain and I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY GET it. PLEASE try, try, try ....something - anything. I KNOW it's very, very hard. I felt bad this morning writing to you with my issue when I feel you need a hand as well. I have to go to a meeting; but I will check back in. DO NOT Feel back about backing out of events due to depression. I have done that so many times -- and at the last minute. It's hard for people who don't have this to "get it" and I always feel like a failure when I just don't have the energy to do anything. I too had the same thoughts last night....I'll just everything in order and one will care and I won't be missed. I will check in later.

EducatedGuess77 said...

Thank you, Lisa! I have sent you an email.